Friday, December 20, 2013


Riley and Brenna have been talking about having a sleepover for a long time so we decided to try it out tonight.  We figure if they are going to be sharing a room relatively soon, it might not be a bad idea to see how they do.

We ended up putting Brenna in her room after about 30 minutes because she didn't want to go to sleep in the big bed.  She just kept trying to talk to Riley and play with her.  I should mention that they were in the same bed and Brenna took a 3 hour nap today.  Also, we were out much later than usual last night so Riley went to sleep last night around 9:45 and then had a full day today (all day school, then her dance class, which had its "observation class" today and a little celebration afterwards).

Although they didn't go to sleep, it was really sweet to see/hear them.  I tried to write down some of the funnier things I heard.  This is in chronological order.

Riley: "Brenna, can I call you Bubba?"
Brenna: "No."
Riley: "Why?"
Brenna: "Because you can call me Gil, because I have a belly button"
Riley: "Gil, we need to get some sleep."

Brenna: "Knock, knock"
Riley: "Who's there?"
Brenna: "Mama"
Riley: "Mama who?"
Brenna: "I love Mama!"
Riley: "Awww, you love Mama, huh?"

Riley: "Knock, knock"
Brenna: "Who's there?"
Riley: "Brenna"
Brenna: "Brenna who?"
Riley: "I love Brenna"
Brenna: "Aw... can I give you a hug?"
Riley: "Yeah"

Riley: "It's so late, it's time to sleep"
Brenna: "But I love the Christmas tree!"

Brenna: "Oh no!"
Riley: "What happened?
Brenna: "My feet fell off!"
Riley: "It's ok, we'll put the blanket back on.  Now let's have a good sleep."

Riley: "Bubba is a nickname for Gil"

Brenna: "What's happening? It's so dark in here!"

Brenna: "Should we go downstairs?  What do you think?"
Riley: "The clock is blue. We need to stay up here. When the clock is orange we can wake up."
Brenna: "We can wake up!!"
Riley: "Now get to sleep.  Close your eyes."

Brenna: "Where does the pig live?"
Riley: "On a farm."
Brenna: "Where do sea lions live?"
Riley: "They live in the sea"
Brenna: "And where do the pigs live?"
Riley: "They live on the farm.  And they play in the mud."
Brenna: "They have mud on them! Haha! Silly pigs!"

Riley: "Now lay down, close your eyes, don't talk, and get to sleep!"

[Brenna pokes Riley in the eye]
Riley: "Ouch, Brenna! I'm going to go downstairs and tell mom that you hurt me!"
Brenna: "Oh!  Downstairs!  Can I come with you?"
Riley: "No!"
Brenna: "But I love you!"

Brenna: "Riley let's play patty cake!"
Riley: "I do NOT want to play patty cake; it's time for bed."

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Brenna Speak

Of course, I feel I need to post a Brenna picture too!  Although she has not made her own version of any Christmas songs yet, Brenna continues to crack us up with the things she does make up!  For example, calling Riley her "mommy" and asking her for help with things instead of me!  Also, she frequently insists on being called "Elmo."  Riley is usually Elmo's friend "Meghan" (not sure where that came from), I am Snuffy, John is Telly, and Maisy is Cookie Monster!  She will only refer to us by those names.  Sometimes Riley is "Elmo's mommy."

I also love her adorable pronunciation of certain words.  I still remember being sad when Riley would start to say words correctly!  I want to write down as many as possible with Brenna so we don't forget.  I think my favorite right now is how she says "Happy Burs-day" (especially cute when being sung!) and how she says "dayad" instead of "dad."  She is sitting watching a movie right now. Maisy came over and she said "Aw!  Maisy wants to watch wiss us!" She also likes to ask if she can wear a "skuut" (skirt) and "shuut" (shirt).  Riley told her that she was going to write her a note and she said "Aw! Sanks Riley!"  She also likes to say "Mama, will you read me anuzzer book?" at nighttime.  While she can now correctly pronounce "here ya go," she used to say "hee-lah-go" and we still sometimes say it that way. :)  There are more that I am probably forgetting and I will hopefully remember to write them down if I think of them!  But for now I am happy to have the chance to document these precious little pronunciations that we love.

As I am writing this I am reminded of when Riley used to say "salaping dressing" instead of salad dressing.  We also still say that sometimes.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Riley's 12 Days of Christmas

Riley's 12 Days Of Christmas

Here is a festive picture of Riley with Santa to go along with the Christmas post.  Brenna would not go anywhere near him!!

Riley's favorite Christmas song is the 12 Days of Christmas.  So today, she decided to make up her own version.  Here it is....

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me... a playground hanging out in the mulch

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me... 2 pregnant ladies and a playground hanging out in the mulch!

On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me... 3 Christmas trees, 2 pregnant ladies, and a playground hanging out in the mulch!

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me... 4 munching dog-las, 3 Christmas trees, 2 pregnant ladies, and a playground hanging out in the mulch!

On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me... FIVE TIRE SWINGS!!!!! 4 munching dog-las, 3 Christmas trees, 2 pregnant ladies, and a playground hanging out in the mulch!

On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me... 6 lamp posts lamping, FIVE TIRE SWINGS!!! 4 munching dog-las, 3 Christmas trees, 2 pregnant ladies, and a playground hanging out in the mulch! 

On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me... 7 rope ladders roping, 6 lamp posts lamping, FIVE TIRE SWINGS!!! 4 munching dog-las, 3 Christmas trees, 2 pregnant ladies, and a playground hanging out in the mulch!

On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me... 8 napkins dancing, 7 rope ladders roping, 6 lamp posts lamping, FIVE TIRE SWINGS!!! 4 munching dog-las, 3 Christmas trees, 2 pregnant ladies, and a playground hanging out in the mulch!

On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me... 9 ladies dancing, 8 napkins dancing, 7 rope ladders roping, 6 lamp posts lamping, FIVE TIRE SWINGS!!! 4 munching dog-las, 3 Christmas trees, 2 pregnant ladies, and a playground hanging out in the mulch!

On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me... 10 advent calendars adventing, 9 ladies dancing, 8 napkins dancing, 7 rope ladders roping, 6 lamp posts lamping, FIVE TIRE SWINGS!!! 4 munching dog-las, 3 Christmas trees, 2 pregnant ladies, and a playground hanging out in the mulch!

On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me... 11 yummy pancakes, 10 advent calendars adventing, 9 ladies dancing, 8 napkins dancing, 7 rope ladders roping, 6 lamp posts lamping, FIVE TIRE SWINGS!!! 4 munching dog-las, 3 Christmas trees, 2 pregnant ladies, and a playground hanging out in the mulch!

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me... 12 disgusting pickles, 11 yummy pancakes, 10 advent calendars adventing, 9 ladies dancing, 8 napkins dancing, 7 rope ladders roping, 6 lamp posts lamping, FIVE TIRE SWINGS!!! 4 munching dog-las, 3 Christmas trees, 2 pregnant ladies, and a playground hanging out in the mulch!